What would you say if I told you there was a place on this earth…
– Where children 4 months old start with music classes with parents;
– Where music education at various institutions provides tutoring to infant music groups;
– Where three and four year olds attend music class once or twice a week;
– Where children ages 4 and 5 have specialized music classes;
– Where six year olds start to play many different songs, and learn music by playing games with instruments;
– Where EVERY schools give general classes of music;
– Where music schools in every community provide basic level music instruction connected to the conservatories who provide further studies;
– Where adult education centers are available for those who want to continue or even for those who want to start studying music;
– Where people are able to enroll at a center each year to receive tutoring at all different levels, in everything from classical to pop music;
– Where every community has a school of music and anyone of any age can jump right in and without any cost start to play;
– Where there is an ongoing National campaign to encourage children to love music;
– And where the government covers all expenses?
Would you call this a musical utopia of someone's runaway imagination?
You would call it…. Finland!

Music studied at every age by everyone in Finland
Finland's music education system has a reputation for producing an endless stream of talented and highly disciplined musicians.
There are four main reasons for its success: an efficient network of music schools with a wide curriculum, the high level of teacher training, municipal funding and the Finns' high respect for music and the arts.
But what has been praised as unique is the education system. “We have built a unique way of teaching that concerns all types of groups

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