Stars of Football, Baseball and Rock n Roll Sport Music for All Awareness Bracelets
I couldn't believe it. I was off at lunch in Red Bank today with my friend and big music education advocate David Bryan ( no… I am not name dropping… they guy has been a great supporter of the cause!) He walks in, hands me an envelope, excuses himself for a moment, and low and behold there is this GREAT photo! We are adding this to the website… but I couldn't help but post this to the blog as soon as I returned.

I particularly like the "power pose" with the bracelets. Unfortunately for David Wells… this didn't help him two nights later on opening day as he pitched against the Yankees.
The bracelet looks god with Micahel Strahan's shirt (and smile)
And David… after selling 100 million albums maybe a little of that magic will rub off on our bracelets (which have just passed the 100,000 mark in sales!)