Two years ago, HBO aired the first part of a three part series called The Music in Me. The idea was as elegant as it was simple: kids send in videos explaining why music was important to them and then show so of the music within them. The result? A peabody Award winning series for creator Leslie Stifelman.
Not wanting her vision to stop with a documentary… Leslie has taken the past two years to develop her idea for the documentary into a community based event celebrating the wonderful music that is alive and well in our children. This led her to create Finding the Groove: All Kinds of Kids Making All Kinds of Music.
Finding the Groove makes it's world premiere this weekend on October 19th with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra featuring kids from across Indiana who have shared their passion for music with Leslie and now Leslie will share them with the world.
The Indianapolis Symphony has been FANTASTIC to work with. They really have stepped forward and deserve a lot of the credit for making this project a success.
If you are in the Indianapolis area this weekend you should check it out!
I have had the great fortune to work with Leslie on this project. She has done a fantastic job managing the entire process and keeping her vision in clear focus.
It should be a great concert and the first in what will undoubtedly be a new way to engage an entire community to find their collective groove.
A special shout out to my friends Jeff Queen and Jay Webb for involving the Avon High School music program. Thanks guys!