As I reported yesterday… Stimulus Funds are going to HELP music education. Here is the first report on how a district receiving Special Education Funding was able to HIRE a music teacher.
As I said yesterday… Music and Arts Educators this IS your bailout!
School district to receive $500,000 in stimulus funds
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
George Anderson
Several Kennett School District staff members received commendations for the various ways they helped during the recent ice storm. From left: Scottie Landess, Lori Telgen, Kim Lowry, Gayla Campbell, Ward Billings. The commendations were presented by Board President Matthew Shetley, right.
Staff photos by George Anderson
The Kennett Board of Education voted to approve three new teaching positions during its meeting on Tuesday, April 21. The positions will be paid for by the federal stimulus plan.
After receiving word that the district will receive $500,000 in special education stimulus funds from Gov. Jay Nixon's office, and an undetermined amount of Title I money, the board decided to use the funds to add the additional positions.
"We will not be able to use these funds on salary schedules," said Superintendent Jerry Noble, "but I have been advised that the state will allow a lot of flexibility with these funds.
The first position approved was the addition of another full-time music position.
Daily Dunklin Democrat: Story: School district to receive $500,000 in stimulus funds