We are back… not that we were really away but… we have been busily working on preparations for our upcoming WearBlue: Support School Music campaign, working through the last phases of our New Jersey Arts Education Census Project before we survey all 2400 schools in the state, exploring new technologies to use as tools in our advocacy efforts, helping to plan a meeting between Governor Huckabee (R-AR) and entertainment industry executives to promote music and arts education, and tying up the loose ends for the close of the Music for All Foundation's fiscal year.
This month we will announce "WearBlue: Support School Music", open the second leg of our Bon Jovi "have a Nice Day" auctions, and hold our 4th annual NAMM Show New Gear Charity Auction in partnership with Music Player Publications and eBay featuring more than 40 instruments worth in excess of $50,000 (starting January 19th).
There is also some crazy (read absurd) things happening in school districts across the country we need to get to.
Look for a flurry of activity starting this weekend!