We have posted a podcast of the press conference with Secretary of State Wells and Acting Commisioner of Education Davy regarding the launch of the New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts Education Survey. Great, passionate comments by all. Includes the Question and Answer session with the members of the media. To listen it go to: http://music-for-all.org/FromtheTrenchesPodcast.html and click on the file under "This Weeks Show."
Additional print media coverage after the link!

How's your child's art study?
Asbury Park Press, NJ
A determination to protect arts in New Jersey schools
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA
State orders arts education survey to ID, fix inequities
Newsday, NY
State surveying schools on arts education
Asbury Park Press, NJ
State launches arts education survey
New Brunswick Home News Tribune, NJ
Boosting the arts in public schools
NorthJersey.com, NJ
NJ moves to protect the arts from school budget cutbacks
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA
NJ to conduct statewide arts education study
Dailyrecord.com, NJ

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