In an update from the Governor's office called the "Governor's Record on Education," Governor Schwarzenegger outlines his accomplishments in education during his term. Half way down the page this pops out:
Supporting a Well-Rounded Education
Bringing Arts and Music Back to the Classroom
In recent years, many California school districts have reduced course offerings in art and music. Educators indicate that this trend has been driven by local budget decisions as well as an increased focus on student achievement in core curricular areas. This trend ignores research that indicates exposing students to art and music, especially at a young age, has beneficial effects on cognitive development and educational outcomes.
To reverse this trend and expand diverse educational opportunities for students, the Governor%u2019s 2006-07 Budget proposes $100 million to create a new Art and Music Block Grant to support standards-aligned art and music instruction in kindergarten and grades one through eight. These grants will be distributed to school districts and county offices of education and will be available for uses that include hiring additional staff, purchasing materials, books, supplies, and equipment, and staff development.
Encouraging to see… a long way to go!
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