The advocacy committee of the New Jersey Arts Education Partnership developed this tip sheet for arts educators to use to promote arts education programs during this holiday season.
Some quick idea highlights:
- Place a message in the performance or exhibit program talking about the importance of the arts in your school
- Tell a story about a student who has been impacted by the arts.
- Give a short speech from the stage on the arts program in your school. Thank the public and the administration for their support. Use this as a chance to mention how many students in the school participate in the arts program.
- Have a student(s) make a short speech talking about how their involvement in the arts has effected their lives and highlight the benefits of an arts education.
Speech ideas:
- Talk about the connection between arts experience and success in life and other avocations. We do not teach the arts to create great artists. We teach the arts to create great people.
- Share some sample facts about the impact of arts education:
- Students who participate in the arts are:
• 4 times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement
• 3 times more likely to be elected to class office within their schools
• 4 times more likely to participate in a math and science fair
• 3 times more likely to win an award for school attendance
- Invite members of the Board of Education for the holiday performances and invite them to say a few words.
- Invite local legislators to attend performances and involve them in the performance – possibly conduct the National Anthem or give a few remarks from the stage.
These are just a few ideas to help get you started. Be creative! Here are some great resources to help:
SupportMusic Coalition
Music Program Inserts from NAMM/MENC
Americans for the Arts:
Art Educators of NJ:
NJ Music Educators:
NJ Arts Education Partnership:
Keep Arts in Our Schools:
You may download the tips here!