Uh Oh… California!
In 2006 we worked as part of a group to push music and arts education funding through the California Legislature in support of Governor Schwarzeneggerr's proposal. The effort let to $500 million in one time funding and a $100 million annual commitment to help restore programs (an additional $300 million to date). This has been […]
A Musical Utopia?
What would you say if I told you there was a place on this earth… – Where children 4 months old start with music classes with parents; – Where music education at various institutions provides tutoring to infant music groups; – Where three and four year olds attend music class once or twice a week; […]
Delaware Teacher of the Year Emphasizes the Arts
Another music educator has been named teacher of the year. This year it is Mark Teesdale, a general music and choral teacher. It is wonderful to see arts educators recognized by their peers for the great work they, and you, do every day.
Associated Press to Repost Corrected Story on Candidates Positions
If you have been following our little dust-up over the reporting of the Presidential Candidates positions sent out last week by the Associated Press you know that we requested a clarification regarding a statement attributed to the Obama campaign calling music and art "non-core subjects." We made this request out of concern that either the […]
Finding Their Groove
Two years ago, HBO aired the first part of a three part series called The Music in Me. The idea was as elegant as it was simple: kids send in videos explaining why music was important to them and then show so of the music within them. The result? A peabody Award winning series for […]
Canadian Prime Minister Pledges Tax Credits for Arts Training
The US isn't the only Country holding an election. There happens to be one to the north of us. Interestingly, when we compare how the arts are fairing when comparing the two nations campaigns… so far Canada is winning 1-0. That deafening sound you hear in the US is the complete LACK of public discussion […]
What do they know that we don’t know?
China is expanding music and art education for ALL children! Very exciting! Very enlightened! Which leads me to ask the question…. at a time when the US is reducing or eliminating music and arts instruction for many of our students and focusing on testing, testing, testing …. what does China know that our education leaders […]
What I Did on My Summer Vacation
Well, it is not really what I did; it is more what I learned. And it wasn't really my summer vacation, but that of my daughter, Natalie. And what I learned through her experience may provide some insights that can help your program.
Mike Huckabee Wins Iowa!
On a remarkable evening on a cold evening in the heartland of America a man of great compassion and courage sent a clear message to the American people: "This victory is not for me… it is for WE… We The People" WOW!
NY Times: To Provide Quality Music Education Now, Schools Could Learn From the Past
Every now and then a newspaper report writes an extraordinary article providing both clarity and insight to the challenges faced in music education. The New York Times gave the music community a "Christmas Present" when the published the following article. I have provided an excerpt here but the full article is worth the read. In […]